adsense code

Tuesday 15 August 2017


IMPORTANT:  We have updated the Cashout System at TEHQ. Members will need to update their cashout settings on this new system! The new cashout settings are still on the account settings page however, it is now separate from the account settings form. You will see a dropdown arrow where you can choose PayPal or Payza and a box to enter your payment address. There will be a notification displayed on the members dashboard if you have not added your cashout information.
Fridays are Payday at JAC Traffic, which includes TEHQ. Payments are automatically sent out when members reach the minimum payout of $10.00. In order to earn and receive commissions you MUST add a valid payment email address. To avoid missing out on earnings please add yours right away!
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Have a great day! 


Todays Hullabaloo sites

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